Starting a garden can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you have never had a garden. Perhaps you don’t know where to start and may not have a green thumb. Veg Up Get Dirty can help you start a simple herb garden like you see in the picture. Herb gardening is a great way to start gardening. What’s great about an herb garden is it can be started indoors or outdoors. There is nothing more organic than picking an herb from your own garden to provide a wonderful season to your meal. There is a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when an individual can use something from their own garden. When starting an herb garden, you want to find herbs that are easy to use in cooking. Perennial herbs (lasting longer than two years) are great selections for an herb garden. Some perennial herbs are mint, rosemary, and thyme.
Herbs have many health benefits such as antioxidants and essential nutrients that are beneficial. Below is a list of herbs and their health benefits.
- Basil- great source of fiber, good for clearing skin, helps detoxify the liver, and enhances memory
- Cilantro- great source of iron and fiber.
- Lavender- has anti-inflammatory properties, helps with digestion and bloating, and is great assisting with relaxation.
- Mint- one of our personal favorites because there are so many health benefits. It can help relieve headaches and nausea. It helps lower blood pressure, clear the skin and reduces respiratory problems. We all know it can work wonders bad breath.
- Rosemary- contains Carnosic acid which has been linked to fighting cancer cells. This herb is also a memory enhancer.
- Sage- has antiseptic properties, contains antioxidants, and helps with anxiety as well as fatigue.
- Thyme- great for respiratory problems and also contains antiseptic properties.
If you don’t have the space for our raised beds or if it’s not cost effective for you at this time we would be glad to assist you with an herb garden. Please see our contact page for a consultation. Let us help you in your healthy eating journey.