The Urban Garden
Launch a successful sustainable garden in your back yard.
A Good Garden Starts With a Good Gardener
I met Lee Stewart a couple of decades ago, long before she set her other amazing talents aside to focus on creating edible landscapes. I have always known her to be deeply committed to exerting maximum effort to “doing a great job.” To say that this woman works hard...
The Benefits of Herbs
Starting a garden can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you have never had a garden. Perhaps you don’t know where to start and may not have a green thumb. Veg Up Get Dirty can help you start a simple herb garden like you see in the picture. Herb gardening...
Pumpkin and Spice Gardening is Nice
The fall season has begun which means pumpkin flavor everything is available for your tasting pleasure. Fall not only means time for pumpkins, trick or treating and hayrides. ‘Tis the season for gardening in the Phoenix. The climate is perfect due to our mild winters...
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